Art Archives: Blazing Tattoo Guns of the West

Blazing Tattoo Guns of the West

There’s definitely a Robert Williams influence.

This was a piece for Kenney’s House of Pain in Santa Clara, way back about 1993. I did flash art for him back then, and he asked me to draw up flyers every now and again. Somewhere around here is a version I colored in while at AVN for fun.

You can start to see the fetish art influence coming up here. Notice the Dominatrix on the tat-cycle. There’s other pieces I’ve got laying around. They’ll make their way here eventually.

This week started out pretty hard. Monday I was working a picket line for the Teamsters in Carson. I’ve never walked a picket line before. It starts out OK, but after a couple of hours, it becomes grueling and tedious, especially if you don’t know the drivers you’re walking with. I decided to take a few days off from the night gig. I’ve been seriously burning out, and I think stepping back for a bit helped. It’s given me some time to clean up, organize, and scan in some more art from the archives.